So much to do so little time!
I have several updates...First of all we should be D-O-N-E with the house by the end of next week. I don't mind telling you that makes me want to shout out loud! Bryan and I neither have the time nor the patience (nor the money!) this is requiring to complete. OVER IT! It looks Fabuloso, but I am tired of explaining why there are exposed walls and half finished projects...not to mention we are having a shower for Matt and Katie (Bryan's little brother and his fiance) on March 18th that close to 50 ppl will attend. That is less than 3 weeks my friend and 3 weeks in the construction world is a blink of an eye!
OK, so the twins got tubes in their ears on Friday...Didn't go quite as smoothly as it did with Heath. Cooper had whopper infections in each ear, and was sort of sick...Gwyn got a fever for most of the weekend from "trauma". Great...I have got one of those kids that gets traumatized...she might as well start saving for therapy from all the trauma her mother is going to cause her! LOL!
They are back at school and still a bit 'off', but on the road to recovery, we hope.
In keeping with my 'to do' list for 2006 I am running a 5K race with my buddy Stephanie Gauthier...God Love Her! I have run a little bit, but this is going to be painful...purchasing the vat of Ibuprophen sometime this week that will be needed to get me through the weekend. Wish us luck.
Heath had his 3rd birthday was a success...Spaghetti for all including the twins and a fabulous cake made by my mom. A good time was had by all and Heath has declared that he would like to have a birthday every week.
On another note about Heath, he has gotten real bad about saying no to Bryan and I. I told him this weekend if he said no to me again, he would get to know a bar of soap like he never has before...well out came "NO!" and I yanked him down the hallway to find that we only had Dial Antibacterial Foam Pump Soap. Its just not the same! I pumped a couple of blobs in his mouth while he screamed bloody murder and explained to him that when I told him to do something it was not an option, it was a command. "No Sass or I'll kick your Ass" came to mind as a catchy phrase to help him remember, but didnt want to introduce a word that he would certainly use at the ultra conservative Baptist preschool he attends. We will save cuss words for 1st grade material.
Caught him saying "nnna" a couple of times after that when I told him to do something but with a look that would make my Mom proud, he shut his mouth and did it while muttering something under his breath. I wonder if I have it in me to get my children through childhood as mentally stable, responsible adults who mind. God help us all.
Lastly, Bryan and I have scheduled a trip to Costa Rica. Halleleiua! No children of course and we are going with another couple that lives in Texas that we adore. Too excited. My mom, Bryan's mom and my buddy Natalie are going to batten down the hatches and take care of the munchkins while we are gone...I will stock the bar heavily and make sure there is plenty of beer and wine in the cooler to get everybody through. Trying to make it as easy as possible, we are leaving on a Monday and coming back on a Friday so that whoever has the children that day can take advantage of Bob Jones Child Development Center during the day to prepare themselves for the chaos in the evening. Hope everybody survives.
Watch I will probably not know what to do with myself and jump every time a kid says "Mommy!" All I have to say is if I get up before 8:30am it better be to urinate then return to bed for another hour or so! And to eat hot food (I always eat last) without having to hold someone? Oh the thought makes me want to sing! Bryan has a completely different agenda that we wont go into in this blog as I am sure it has some standards of propriety, but lets just suffice to say that he will look forward to not having to listen for little footsteps at inopportune moments!
Well that's all we have going on right now! Until Later!
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