Thursday, February 02, 2006

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

First before I get into the explosion of babies coming into the world, I have to say I HAVE RUNNING WATER IN THE KITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya HOOOOOO! I don't even care that the dishwasher cant be hooked up until the countertops are installed! I will wash dishes all night long as long as I can do them in a kitchen sink rather than a bathroom sink...ewww yuck!

OK, back to the baby my buddy, Janet just had her little boy, Mason. She has another little boy that is a few months younger than Heath. Janet is the epitome of the saying "hit the ground running" That girl doesn't slow down for anything including pregnancy or new births. My kinda girl!

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Donna is getting ready to give birth to her first child (Donna don't get offended!) at the age of 39 or 40?! We saw her a couple of weeks ago and she looked fabulous! She is my friend that is a chef and can cook a bowl of pasta that will knock your socks off with ingredients scraped out of the bottom of your refrigerator...She is magic in the kitchen. Now there is a good story, because Eric and Donna are somewhat set in their ways having been married for probably around 15 years, dated 10 years, I think, before that. While Donna has loosened Eric up a bit, (Donna is an adventurer at heart-could tell you some great stories about us driving around NYC-Harlem in lime green tin can while visiting her grandmother in Yonkers) I think they are in for the ride of their life! See their lifestyle has settled into one that is less than conducive to small children....Eric works 6-7 days a week and comes home at 8:30 or 9pm when they sit down to dinner. Eric is somewhat of a clean freak and has already stated he is not changing 'poopy' diapers-whatever. Although some of that will take care of itself when their little girl looks him in the eyes and smiles, I have a feeling Eric will be rushing home to see her at 6 or 7pm and calling Donna at all hours of the day to ask "What is she doing, now?" He is that kinda guy that he will fall in love. Donna is such a smart girl and she just smiles when Eric makes his comments, knowing full well that he is full of shit. That right there is a lesson in patience my friend!

OK, so the last person that I know that is getting ready to pop is my Aunt Jennifer who is actually 3 months older than I am. Everyone thought we were twins when we were infants, except she got this fabulous black hair and blue eyes and I got average brown hair with average green eyes-snif snif pity party :-). She is pregnant with a little boy and she has a daughter, Bailey, that is 5- I think. Jennifer is one of those girls that is so disciplined and totally has her act together...I obviously missed that gene in the family gene pool! She does things like balances her checkbook to the penny, and runs an in home daycare with structured constructive time for all the children all day long. Wear me out. I have to remind my self of the dinner/play/bath/bedtime routine when I get home each night.

Not to mention my friend Stephanie that just had a little girl, Millie, (still owe them a present!) two girls at work, Janinna and Jana-the latter is adopting a little boy that is due on Valentines Day, and my cousin, April, had a little boy a few months ago. POPULATION EXPLOSION! Can I tell you how glad I am that I will never be pregnant again or have to take care of a newborn? (God willing-here's hoping my children don't have a child out of wedlock in their teens or I might come back to eat these words!)

I am digging being a parent of "older" children, relative to a newborn, mind you. Love, Love, Love it when they can tell you what's wrong when they don't feel good, give you a hug, give you a dandelion out of the yard as a flower for Mommy, tell you crazy things like "shooting guns are only for monsters and bad men", "Do you think my new haircut is bootiful?", and "I don't like hippos and lions because they might bite", and give you open mouth, slobbery kisses on your cheek because they are so happy to see you (Gwyn). Cant beat it. I have gone into Motherhood kicking and screaming but its starting to grow on me. Although I am not going to lie and tell you I am not looking forward to bunko/ladies night out tonight one bit!


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