Thursday, January 12, 2006

Making a liar out of us...

First of all I have to say THE CABINETS ARE HERE! Ya hoo! Whoever the patron saint of cabinets is...he/she has it goin' on my friend! Ask and you shall receive! All that said, we still wont be able to put them in until we get the floors done, but at least we know they are shacked up in our carport waiting on us to go in their special little place in my kitchen. :-)

OK, about the lying thing...This has happened to us a couple of times and its getting quite funny. Bryan was at my SIL house bragging about how Heath has not worn a diaper in several weeks and how he is doing great. Bryan walks up stairs to get Heath and he is standing there with wet pants and says "I had to go potty" Great job, Heath, great job.

In my below blog I bitched and moaned about the "party" at night. Well the party is over, my friend because Gwyn has been sleeping through and Cooper has been waking up one time for a diminishing bottle (6 oz, then 4oz and now we are down to 2 oz) then goes right back to sleep. Projected full nights sleep with no getting up is in a week. Hallaleuiah! I am convinced I will have to lock Heath in his room...I put that booger back in his bed 2 times last night and woke up with a hand flung over my face this morning at 6am. He is sneaky, that one is!

You know, I dont think I am the best parent in the world by a longshot, but one thing that would be nice is for my kids to not make me a liar! If thats the case then I am going to walk around talking about how awful they are so they can prove me wrong! I can play that reverse psychology crap with the best of them! "Heath, DONT take your plate to the sink! Dont you do it!" That is the best way in the world to get them to do what you want, dont I know it.

I have to say Heath has been unusually sweet and talkative. He has voiced concerns over Lions being in his room or coming into house at night. Hopefully our conversations on where Lions tend to live (far away/Africa or the Zoo) cleared that little issue up. Then he has been stating that only Mommys and Daddys can drive, that he cant drive until 'later'. While that is a true observation, I am thinking that 'later' is a lot sooner to him than it really is...not sure his mind can grasp he has (gulp) 13 years to go. Lastly, we have been struggling over the TV lately. He states that its "his turn" when he feels like he needs to see Blues Clues or Little Einsteins. While I am all about the 'turn' thing at school or with his brother and sister, how do I explain that parents trump the whole "turn" concept by virtue of the checkbook and paying for the TV, cable, food on the table, etc. That conversation is coming, soon.

The plan is to move out January 27th for 3 or 4 days. The sad thing is after January 18th we will have nothing but a sink in the kitchen...I think we might try to move the fridge to the hallway. Microwave will go in the bathroom. Nice. BUT come Feb 1st we should be in good shape. I will post pics of course! Until then!



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