Thursday, January 26, 2006

Trouble on the Frontlines!

I gotta tell you I am getting pretty stinkin excited about having a kitchen again! We are so close, so close, I tell you I can almost smell the garlic cooking now! :-) The past couple of days have been both stressful and exciting as we finally see things coming together. I am going to take some pictures tonight and will attach later. The floors are beautiful, the cabinets are beautiful, and hopefully I will go home tonight to my new bright and shiny stainless steel appliances will be beautiful!

All of this has come at a cost. Bryan and I are snapping at each other like badgers. He threatened me to quit talking to the guy installing the cabinets last night because I was holding up the process then he proceeds to jabber in there for 30 minutes while all the kids are screaming bloody murder at bedtime last night....isnt that convenient? Wear me out! I wont digress into the other "conversations" we have had, but lets just suffice to say, we need to hurry up and get this done for the sake of restoring peace and harmony in our relationship.

On the family front, Cooper has started crawling! That little booger will do anything for a cheerio! He squirmed and wiggled his way across the family room floor when he saw me put one down for Gwyn! Finally he got up on all fours and did this funny little crawl until he was just about there then he collapsed and stretched out to retrieve his prize. Thank the Lord we have another week or so before he will be zooming around like then we will have most of the construction dust and debris cleaned up.

Gwyn has turned into one of those children who puts EVERYTHING in her mouth, I have fished out pieces of sheet rock, paper, a penny, and a cheerio that was less than fresh out of her mouth here lately...good thing I had a new years "to do" to be cleaner! Ha!

We are loosing Heath to the TV monster. If its not Baby Einstein its Little Einsteins or Blues Clues or Miffy. Whatever the show, he feels like he NEEDS to watch it. I cant wait until I can kick him outside to go play. My kid is not going to be the fat kid who watches TV and plays video games all the time!

Gotta run...


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