Monday, January 29, 2007

Welcome 2007

Well, here we are in 2007 already! Go figure that I am now working for myself teaching at Greenville Tech and a few other places and training for a half marathon. Its amazing what you can get done when you have the TIME!

Christmas was fun, but glad its over. We were a bit over booked but it was nice getting together with friends, family and neighbors. The kids were a bit stunned by the whole Christmas thing.

January has sort of sucked because we have all been sick. Hopefully we are pulling out of it FINALLY!

New tricks? The twins are talking up a storm, and their newest trick is jumping...Up until now it has been the act of jumping but the feet never left the ground...Now when we start jumping up and down they do it too, but usually end up landing on their bottoms as some point. Cant believe they will be 2 in a month and a half!

Heath turns 4 in a couple of weeks. He is into monster trucks, (Bigfoot presents Meteor and his monster truck friends-show) and we went to see the real thing on Saturday. That sort of freaked him out at you know how LOUD those things are? Good Lord! Thank my SIL, Leah who brought ear plugs or we wouldn't have been able to stay! Heath has really started pretending a lot lately. And his new saying is "I am not going to be your best friend" when we are making him do something he doesn't want to do. Its sad I cant stay his best friend, but I wouldn't be a good Mom if I did. He told me a week ago when we were lying on the couch that he wanted to marry sweet is that? I wanted to stop time and keep him 3 years old forever.

Well the work on the house marches on...we are currently getting bids for a new front porch roof. The architect gave us the plans back and they look pretty good. Cant wait to get them done! Will let you know how that project is coming along!


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