Tuesday, February 08, 2011

And here we go!

Here it comes...its the calm before the storm. Its getting ready to turn our lives upside down, eating times and content will change and hang time at the fields will include laptops and cell phone conversations. What am I talking about? Baseball and soccer is getting ready to infiltrate our lives.

See my three kids like to play sports. Basketball we have 1 hour games on Saturday morning at 9am and practice on Sunday afternoon. Gymnastics is 1 hour from 5-6pm on Tuesdays. Piano is at 3:30 on Tuesdays. So Tuesdays are the only "crazy" day during the week. Well that is all about to change my friends! With the baseball season comes practice 3 nights a week and games on Saturdays in addition to Gwyn's soccer schedule of one practice and one game per week.

Cooper is so excited to be able to play what his brother plays all year around this year...they are finishing up basketball season where they are on the same team. They wont be in the same age bracket for baseball but he gets to play coaches pitch this year and he will get the crowning effect of getting to play football this summer and fall for the first time. Coop was chomping at the bit to play last year but didn't make the 6 year old age cut until this March. That child lives to catch up to his big brother, unfortunately.

So when you see the big white suburban land yaht with a BW sticker and american flag on the back, know that its the Tankersley's trying to get to a baseball practice, a baseball game, a soccer practice, a soccer game, a piano practice or a gymnastics lesson and just wave us along!