Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bizarro World

Today we were outside playing with a neighbor kid who is an only child. So, I realize we can be overwhelming to the most patient of souls, but he was in constant freak out mode because one of my children was either playing with his toys "incorrectly" or not putting them back exactly right. I know, I know...obsessive compulsive, you say. I would say this kid is definitely heading down that road. LOL.

Anyway, the point...I blow these "freak outs" off because I secretly think its good for this child to be introduced into a little chaos, ie, the Tankersley Family, and no kid typically likes to share. It doesnt matter if they are an only child or not. My other neighbor happened to come over with her little girl and it really got on her nerves, the way this little boy wigged out all the time. She said he was making her nervous.

After thinking about this, it led me to think about how uptight everyone seems to be and the things that we do get uptight about. While the neighbor kid doesnt phase me a bit, I thought about how particular people get about certain things. My Dad is a great example. Likes complete cleanliness, order and labels everything. "A place for everything and everything in its place."

I have always thought he wasted HUGE amounts of time and resources cleaning things to the perfect degree. My philosophy growing up was to straighten my room when told, and when things stick to your feet sweep or run the vacuum. Dont get me wrong, I dont think slob is the right word for my cleaning habits, please, I do have some pride for heavens sake!

But, like a lot of other things in my life, I do what I have to do to pass basic inspection and move on to bigger and better things. Detail oriented personality will never be on my Meyers Briggs personality profile. Big picture...does it look OK in here if someone stops by? Then lets go outside and play!

So back to Bizarro kids are in luck if my theory is true. My theory is that we tend to endeavor to be the opposite of our parents. Our parents never are good enough. I will tell you I appreciate my parents a whole hell of a lot more now that I am a parent than ever! Why do we search for Bizarro World? Were our childhoods so awful? Maybe the answer to that is yes for some, but I am thankful to say I had a really normal fairly healthy childhood. While I would say my parents were a bit uptight, they were loving, caring, well meaning people doing the best job they could with what the good Lord gave them. Thats all I try to do from day to day. So if we bring this full circle does this mean my kids will be clean freaks? I could only hope!

So what DOES make me uptight? My children getting out of control, screaming, being mean to each other, and teaching a class for the first time. Getting over scheduled makes me slightly uptight but it also gives me focus. People being mean/cruel to other people, backbiting, and not saying what they really mean rank up there as well. Oh, yeah, when I know someone is mad at me for a justified reason.

The list could go on but it would require more thought. The point of this installment is that if I do everything wrong as a parent, if our children are looking for bizarro world that means they will be great parents...right? :-)