Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Its Been Awhile!

Wow, its been almost a year since my last post! In the past year so much has happened its all a blur! My consulting/contracting business has taken off and is doing gang busters. Its about to go to another level if I secure this deal with a national project management company...will keep you posted.

Heath is in K4 and while we had a rocky start, he has settled in and had finally charmed his stalwart teacher. He will be making the move to public school next year so I am currently researching schools in the area and just met with the leading candidate today, Summit Drive Elementary. Love them! At the risk of sounding like a total redneck racist, I really didn't realize the extent of Hispanic migration to SC until I started visiting local public schools. Wow.

Heath continues to be extremely rough and tumble. We just signed him up for T-ball starting in March. Can anyone say "Bank Loan, Please" when it comes to children's sports?!?!? $110 bucks for a 4 year old to play T ball! Ouch! Doable now but what happens when we multiply that by 3 kids who want to do 3 sports...please remember me in your wills!

While he is a high energy kid, at bed time he still wants his yellow crocheted blanket and teddy bear and Mommy to lie down with him to talk about "things" I really have to remember that this is special time that I will long for later, rather than see it as an obstacle between me, my pj's and a good book.

Gwyn is officially passive aggressive which is really interesting to compare with the boys who are just plain aggressive. While she does have some mood swings (you got that from your Mama, Gwynnie-sorry!) she is in general a somewhat shy and sweet little girl (you did not get that from your mama, Gwynnie!) Unfortunately the boys are so demanding that G and I don't have long conversations. I do know that Joshie and Hannah are her "best friends" in school. She loves the color pink. Catherine, Emily and Amy are her babies that she carts around everywhere! She is a great and varied eater when she is hungry and when she is not hungry she just wont eat. She is a starch girl. G likes a pretty outfit to wear, loves dresses, shoes, and accessories, but she doesn't like for you to mess with her hair much.

Gwynnie gets along great with Heath, and can get along with Cooper if Heath isn't around. So that makes for an interesting household! Gwyn is definitely the 'Switzerland' of the Tankersley family. She doesn't want anyone left anywhere, and cries when Daddy acts like he is leaving Mommy at home when everyone else is in the car....while the boys are laughing hysterically and screaming "LEAVE HER!" (losers!)

Cooper is the bull in the china shop, pot stirrer, trouble maker, and general jack leg that likes to make absolutely sure there is no peace and quiet in the household. There is never a dull moment with Cooper in the house. He doesn't like a game unless you are moving, no tv except he can stand about 15 minutes of scooby doo and einsteins then he has to get up and go do something, and while he loves books, he wont look through a book unless you are leading him through it. Bryan often asks me how me and my shadow are doing as he follows me around the house and kitchen asking "What IS this?" about everything from wall paneling to potato peelers. He LOVEs to make a batch of Kool Aid and he also likes to unload the silverware from the dishwasher.

One thing about Coop is that he is the wiggliest lap dog you have ever met. The only way I can get his eye patch on him every morning ( has to wear it for an hour every morning b/c his eye's are crossing -ambliopia) is to hold him down and stick it on then kiss his face all over until he stops trying to pull it off. He is a lover and a fighter-its all about the attention in his book if he cant get it with loving then he will turn into the fighter to get the negative attention! Say a prayer for me when he goes through puberty he will be all over the map!

Lastly, Bryan is doing really well with Dark Corner Films. Visit to check out some of their work. He is really in his element with this business and their documentary is coming along nicely.

So now you have been caught up! I am planning on updating this MUCH more frequently with our hijinx and craziness so stay tuned!