Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me a Job so We Can Eat!
So here we are in October for heaven's sake and the last time I posted was in June. Tsk Tsk where has the time gone, you ask? I mean what in the world could a working mother of 3 have to do all day long so as not post to her blog? Whatever...
Its hard to believe that the twins are 19 months and Heath is 3 and a HALF! Don't forget that half part or you will sorely be reminded that he is not just three but "Phree and a HALF" with unbelievable disgust in his voice that you would mistake him for a mere three year old!
Heath is working really hard on learning all the letters. This week he is on "G". So each Tuesday he is supposed to bring something that starts with the letter of the week, right, which he absolutely loves doing so much it almost makes up for my pure hatred of the teacher for making me remember yet one more thing to pack on Tuesday mornings. Along with lunch for three kids, my lunch, sweaters and jackets b/c its cool in the mornings now, and whatever crap I need to lug to work, I need to imprint in my brain that is more than full at this point that Heath needs to take something that starts with whatever letter we are on....and "be creative" she says. Wear me out. I am all about Heath learning his letters, but keep me out of it will ya? I am trying to keep up with the 20 loads of laundry each week and remembering to have sex with my husband at least once a week so he doesn't leave me with these three demons all by my self! LOL
I am just kidding of course, but correct me if I am wrong but you are required to check part of your memory in at the door when you go to the hospital to have a child! ITS NON EXISTENT after 3 kids. I digress...
Its hard to have a conversation about things that could possibly start with the letter of the week. I ask Heath, OK so what starts with G that you can take to school...."Well, Mom I could take my fire truck to school" Mmmmm, honey that starts with a "F" lets try to think of something else...."Mom, I could take my new fish game" Sweetpea that starts with an F too, where where these fabulous ideas last week? "Mom goat starts with g" You are so right, Heath! But we are fresh out of Goats this week, lets think of something else....and so it goes on. So we settled on a toy soldier gun that he loves and is going to carry for Halloween. We wake up the next morning and Bryan asks me why there is a toy gun on top of his keys and wallet and I tell him b/c Heath needs to take it to school for his G item. You would have thought that I was asking Bryan to carry a condom to school by the look on his face. "Christina", he says, "he can NOT take a gun to Bob Jones for show and tell!" "I can not believe you would even agree to that!" I was so thrilled that we finally found something with a G that we actually had to take worked for me! Doesnt anyone play cowboys and indians any more!?!? I can't win.
On a totally different subject, I have to say that I am FINALLY making some friends in my newish (been there almost a year!) neighborhood. I will tread lightly here because I dont want to hurt anyones feelings but there are some rather duddish people that live around us. I mean are we 30 something with small kids or are we 80 years old staying at home 7 days a week? Or rushing out of community meeting so they can make it home in time for Gray's Anatomy....Get TIVO or Digital recording through your local cable company for heavens sake and lets go get a drink! Lets be practical, I am dressed-and not is sweat pants and a t shirt- I have lipstick on, my husband is at home with my sleeping children and we have an opportunity to go have a drink and get to know eachother and you want to go home to watch a TV show about a girl that is Ali McBeal in a Doctors setting rather than a Law office? Ugh, get a life.
Dont get me wrong, I love me some good television shows. I am hooked on Hero's, The 9, Brothers and Sisters-jury is still out on this one, Rome (HBO-starts back in jan), and Entourage (HBO-starts back in Jan), and the occasional old school star trek, Big Valley or Nanny 911 re runs, but the shows I care about are programed into my digital recording cable box and will be waiting for me when I am not figuring out what starts with a G that my kid can take to school or out having a Mojito with some friends!
Last on my list of things to vent about is my job. My last day is December 1st and it cant come soon enough in one respect and its scary in another. Most of you know that I went part time in late August and to do this I agreed to be a contract worker. The reasoning was that they couldnt offer part time to everyone so in order to be fair if I wasnt really an employe per se then it would be OK if I worked abbreviated hours. I went into this full well knowing that come October 31 when the contract trial time was up, I could be canned. So the good news is they extended the contract to Dec 1st but the bad news is they won't need me after then. Well let me rephrase that, they are opting out for the cheaper full time person than the experienced part time person.
Now I am in job hunting hell, where you send your resume to anyone and everyone who will have it and hope beyond hope that someone will email or call for an interview where you have to "sell" yourself. That is such bullshit and I am so over that. This time I am going to interview them just as much as they interview me and find the right opportunity that fits both of us. So neither one of us is disappointed! Wish me luck! Both with not killing anyone here in the remaining time I have left and in hunting for the perfect part time (hopefully!) job where I work for a nice person who is laid back yet driven enough to give me some motivation when I need it, at a company that needs me and is generous, stable and fun and the higher ups dont have their head so far up their ass they think its below them to say hello to anyone that is below officer level. Think its possible? Do those jobs exist?