Its official, the twins have started to talk. Before I go down that road, let me tell you that I had some beginning concerns that they might have some long lasting affects from being premature b/c they hadn't started saying ANYTHING yet. I know, I know, have I lost my mind? Encouraging two small children to talk and scream "Mama" every 5 minutes just doesn't seem like the smart thing to do. But like every other mother out there I am looking at the baby books saying "Children may start saying one or two syllable words as early as 8 months and as late as 18 months" and I am freaking out because mine are 15 months and they should be composing sentences by now if I was a good mother!
So its no surprise that Cooper's first word had to do with food..."Hot"...but he pronounces it like he is from the south side of London..."aught!" Gwyn being the feminine petite little flower that she is came out with "Uh Oh!" when she dropped her cup on the floor and thought it was hilarious that Heath and I ran around dropping/throwing things on the floor saying "Uh Oh!" to reinforce it! I am sure we looked like complete idiots! She has since picked up "Da Da" and every chance I get I over enunciate "MaaaaaMaaaaa" to her and she looks at me with a twinkle in her eye and says "DAAAAA DAAAAA!" I am just waiting for the word "dumbass" to come out of that little heart shaped mouth after we go through this routine! This morning she picked up word number 4 (she says "hot" too) which was "Buzz" -our dog. Nice, she learns the dogs name before mine...I would like to know where the hell Buzz was when she was in the NICU for 4 weeks, when she had those ear infections and was up all hours and when she is hungry and I slave over a stove to feed that little demon!
Bryan let the dogs in this morning because they have been sorely neglected this week while we have been going to Vacation Bible School right after work/school until 8pm. They need their social time too! Gwyn immediately lights up and wants to get out of her highchair and follows Buzz around saying "Ba Ba Ba Ba" then she points at Buzz and says "Bus!" Yeah, that's right, you little ungrateful turkey butt, that is Buzz, congratulations that is word number 4 for you of which your sainted mother's name is not a part...dramatic, I know, but work with my frustration here. Of course Bryan thinks its funny that she will say Da Da and not Mama, but who is going to get the last laugh when she comes to his tight wad self and wants a new car at 16, wants a fairytale (expensive) wedding at 27 and wants to attend Duke for 8 years so she can be a doctor?!??!?! Its scary how patient I can be isn't it? :-)