Summer's Here!

Well, I have been crazy busy since I last posted. Lets see since February we have completed our inside renovation, started on our outside renovations, completed a circular driveway, picked out external paint colors and windows for the house, went to Costa Rica at the end of April, had my 36th birthday on Mothers Day, and have lost 8 of the 10 lbs I committed to losing in Weight Watchers at work! Whew!
We are really looking forward to this summer, its going to be pivotal. The pool opens on Saturday and we are READY! Heath has been preparing himself by blowing bubbles underneath the water in the tub. I have a "pool bag" packed and ready to go, all we lack is the golfcart that Bryan refuses to buy. :-)
The kids are so fun now. Cooper and Gwyn are walking/running like pro's Heath is learning past and future tenses as a whole concept. He throws in words like "lasterday" and tries to talk us into things he wants to do by asking " that a good idea?" He is also learning to make choices about his behavior rather than immediately being reactive...a lesson we all need to work on! :-)
I just love talking to Heath and hearing about what's important in his world. Going to the "big" playground versus the baby playground at school is major, counting everything from how many bites of food are on his plate to how many ants he can step on (we will work on respecting nature later), being able to buckle his own seatbelt, getting pudding in his lunchbox at school and finding "H's" in books, newspapers, or signs are all top on the list. He has also found that he enjoys urinating outside much more than in the potty.
Speaking of that, Bryan is doing pretty well too. (ha ha ha) He has been out of town for several days for the last two weeks and I find that I get to work on time when Bryan isn't around...mmmm, and here I was blaming my tardiness on the children! He seems to be happy and has a new enthusiasm for his job(s) which is a good thing. He is very excited about his new driveway and now likes to mess around in the yard so he can admire it. :-) We can pay $6000 for a driveway, but we fight for months if we pay that for countertops that we use 3 times a day! Where is the justice?
I bought a new digital camera, as the old one "disappeared" so I can post some pictures now. The one above, most of you have probably already seen, its from Easter. Its the best we could do, everyone was squirmy and was over Nana taking pictures of them in their Easter outfits.
Take care!